Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Keyword Stuffing - Black Hat SEO Strategy

Keyword Stuffing:

Do you know what is keyword stuffing? -
"Keyword Stuffing" is a Black Hat SEO Strategy which is aggressively used by website developers in order to make it more relevant in search engines perspective as search engines look for maximum number of key words in a web page(this is the only way by which an search engines look for relavancy) .

This kind of strategy is highly unethical because of the validity of the web page is very less but it is expected to be more relevant for the search made by the users. When search engines find that these kind of Black Hat SEO strategy is used in a website, the search engines might decide to ban these websites in order to provide only the relevant webpages to the users and block these kind of websites from their search results.

Also see "White Hat"    "Black Hat"   "SEO"

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