Monday, December 17, 2012

Founders of famous companies

Company   Founders

acer- stan shih
adobe - john warnock
amazon - jeff bezos
amd - jerry sanders iii
Apple - Steve jobs
DEC - Ken OLsen
DELL - Micheal Dell
EA - Trip Hawkins
EDS - Ross Perot
Intuit - Scott Cook
Microsoft - Bill Gates
Motorola - Paul Galvin
nVidia - Jen Hsun Huang
Oracle - Larry Ellison
Peoplesoft - Dave Duffield
Java - james gosling
Google - Larry page and sergie brin
yahoo - david filo and jerry yang
youtube - jawed karim, steve chen
Linux - Linux Torvald
Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg
Orkut - Orkut Buyukkokten
KFC - Harland colonel Sanders
Mc Donald's - Ray Kroc
Infosys - Narayana Murthy - Marc Beniof
Seagate - Al Shugart
Sony - Akio Morita
Sun - Scott McNeely
VMware - Diane Greene

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