Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Should Sachin Tendulkar retire?

Considered to be the god of cricket, Sachin Tendulkar. The man who had stood up whenever Indian team needs him. Sachin had played attacking cricket during a period in cricket where scoring with 100% strike rate is something amazing and he had consistently done that. Man who had won the most of number of man of the matches. Man who had played most of ODI and Test Cricket. Man who had scored the most number of runs in world cricket. Man who had dedicated all his life to cricket is now struggling for form. People consider the best in him is gone and he cannot score runs. But if you take up, the last three series, none of the Indian players have scored much runs. Everyone had struggled and didn't score much runs. But Sachin is the only person who has been under the radar even if the team falls.

Sehwag's wicket has been considered as free wicket by opponents because he gives away his wicket freely. But no one raises questions on his attitude. Is it because he is just 33 years of age? I hope in sachin's case, yes he is not 33 and he should be screwed if you consider age alone as a fact that determines one's ability. The man who had played 23 years of cricket knows what is cricket and how to play it. He knows better than anybody else about his capabilities and his retirement. He is the one who has brought cricket into a different aspect. Today cricket is been loved by everyone and those cricket lovers would definitely Sachin because he brings life into the game. He brings the interest to others. Nobody was able to do like sachin and they had never been so consistent too. You got to remember the 1996 world cup and 2003 world cup, without him India would ve never reached semifinals and finals. If age is restricting sachin, he will know it and he will retire. People are putting so much pressure on him to perform. I definitely feel that sachin would feel more pressure than his 100th hundred. It is only because of the high standards he had set. He had carried that for nearly 23 years. Sachin knows when to announce his retirement. It would be better if people stay away from his business.

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