Friday, December 21, 2012

End of the World

I would say the end of the world prediction is yet another hoax. In a world, where people follow so many religions and gods and they are not yet clear about their religions histories. But then how come the entire world started to believe in this end of world. So many things are predicted earlier regarding the end of the world, but how come this 21st december 2012 has become so popular. People started to spread the prediction of mayan and assumed that the world would end on 21st december 2012. If you take whether prediction, there are lot of reliable technologies been used and yet the predictions are absolutely correct. Just because some had written something, it will not correct. People has to realize that move on. Whatever that has to happen will definitely happen no matter what.  Lets say the world is going to end, and tsunami has struck, what can do. Will you take buckets of water from the ocean and keep it inside the land area and save the human from the disaster. You cannot, what we will do is just wait and watch. Lets do the same now, World would not end like that, there are lot of disaster by fellow human beings itself. Lets stop those and live a peace life and stop worrying about end of the world.

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