Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to reduce weight?

How to reduce weight?

This is the question asked by millions of people world over with the increasing menace of obesity. Every one seem to be targeted at weight loss- going on diet, exercising, adopting detox diets, fainting with nearly no food for days- and still regaining weight as soon as they resume their old food habits or stop exercising.

Diet and lifestyle that results in accumulation of fat.Other causes are-
  • Lack of exercise and inactive lifestyle
  • Sleeping in the afternoon
  • High calorie intake or consumption of sweetened foods
Fat gets deposited in all living beings. Some amount of fat is necessary since it keeps the body moist, provides insulation from heat, protects bones from shock and stores energy. Excessive fat tends to accumulate mostly on the belly, hips and breasts. Left unattended, it leads to a vicious circle of inactivity. Obesity leads to further inactivity as obese individuals find it difficult to remain active.

Weight Reduction can be done easily through few steps but the real trick is doing the steps regularly. (i.e) making it as an habit which is diffcult.

i. Diet:
Diet doesn't mean no food. It means eating the right food. You need to take foods which are
  • Low in calories
  • High in energy
  • High in Fibre
Each of these things are very important and your food should be having the above characteristics. High fibre content would help you in eliminating the waste. High energy foods help you to be active and Low calories help you to reduce weight.

ii. Exercise:
It is very important in life to do exercise or being involved in some sports activities. Spending one hour for exercise would really help to reduce your weight. If not possible, you can avoid lift and use steps. You can go to shops by walking. Else keep two milestones and walk around that everyday. It is necessary that you do some physical activities.

If you follow the above stated diet and exercise routine, you can see results in 3 months. Don't try fast track diets. It is not good for health. Stay safe and stay healthy.

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