Thursday, December 20, 2012

Total fatty matter (TFM)

Total Fatty Matter (TFM) is one of the most important characteristics describing the quality of soap and it is always specified in commercial transactions. Normally soaps that are famous in India are bathing bars and not soap because of this TFM content. More the TFM content means better the Soap Quality.

According to international standards, Grade 1 soap should be having 80% or more TFM and 65% is Grade 2. In europe 75% TFM is considered to be Grade 1 soap Quality. You can see the covers of soaps and most of the companies would not reveal the TFM content because it is very very low. Only low TFM  content soaps can be sold for 10 or 15 Rs. Normally soaps having high TFM like 80% would be costly. It would be atleast 35Rs.

Using low cost soap can do lot of damage to your skin, so wake up and change your soap with high TFM and do some good for yourself.

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